Individual Therapy
Our fees reflect the level of training and skill of our clinicians. For 2023, our fees are the following:
Therapy sessions (50 minutes): from £100 (please contact us for details on fees as these are dependent on the type of therapy and clinician)
Assessment session (90 minutes without report): £150
Assessment session (90 minutes session time + report/ letter): £300
Specialist Assessments
We provide a number of specialist assessments that include standardised assessment protocols, psychometrics and diagnostic interviews. The assessments below are some of the assessments we currently offer. Please contact us to discuss your needs and pricing
Autism Assessment (NICE compliant & Multi-Disciplinary Team, use of Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule -2, ADOS-2, Developmental History + Report) £2000
Cognitive Assessment (WISC-V) £1800
International Personality Disorder Examination (Assessment + Report £1500)
Risk Assessments - HCR-20 and SVR-20 (£1000)
WAIS-IV (Assessment + Report, £1800)
New Meanings Psychology
All clincians are: